v Configure FR destination addresses. If you are running a protocol such as IP
or IPX over the FR interface, and are interconnecting with devices not supporting
the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) or Inverse ARP on FR, use the add
protocol-address command to add the static protocol and address mapping.
v Configure Bandwidth Reservation over Frame Relay. In addition to the basic
Frame Relay configuration, which must be done, you can also configure
Bandwidth Reservation (an optional feature) over Frame Relay. For information
on configuring Bandwidth Reservation, refer to Using Bandwidth Reservation and
Priority Queuing in
Using and Configuring Features
v Configure Discard Eligibility. You can configure Discard Eligibility (DE)
congestion control using Bandwidth Reservation. For information on configuring
Discard Eligibility, refer to Using Bandwidth Reservation and Priority Queuing in
Using and Configuring Features
v Configure Data Compression. You can configure data compression for Frame
Relay. For information on configuring data compression, refer to Using Data
Compression in
Using and Configuring Features
Enabling Frame Relay PVC Management
There are three management options under Frame Relay:
v Interim Local Management Interface Revision 1
v ANSI T1.617 Annex D management
v ITU-T/CCITT Q.933 Annex A management.
Frame Relay defaults to ANSI enabled. If you want to change management types,
or if you want to re-enable ANSI management, use the following procedure.
Enabling management over Frame Relay is a two-step process:
1. Enter the enable lmi command at the FR Config> prompt to enable
management activity.
2. Enter the set lmi-type command to select the type of management for the
See Table 56 for details of the management types available using the set
An example of how to set these management types is shown after the table.
Also, refer to the enable and set command sections in this chapter for more
Table 56. Frame Relay Management Options
Command Options Description
set lmi-type rev1 Conforms to LMI Revision 1 (Stratacom s Frame
Relay Interface Specification)
set lmi-type ansi Conforms to ANSI T1.617 ISDN-DSS1-Signalling
Specification for Frame Relay Bearer Service (known
as Annex D)
set lmi-type ccitt Conforms to Annex A of ITU-T/CCITT
Recommendation Q.933 - DSS1 Signalling
Specification for Frame Mode Basic Call Control.
enable lmi
set lmi-type ansi
Using Frame Relay
Chapter 30. Using Frame Relay Interfaces 403