1. If cause0 is not ″0x5″ ignore the cause code.
2. If cause0 is ″0x5″ look at cause1. If the high-order (most significant) bit of
cause1 is ON, set it to OFF.
3. Convert the result to decimal and look up the meaning in the following table,
which is taken from
ITU-T Recommendation Q.850
Table 79. ISDN Q.931 Cause Codes
Code Cause
1 Unallocated (unassigned number)
2 No route to specified transit network
3 No route to destination
6 Channel unacceptable
7 Call awarded and is being delivered in an established channel
16 Normal call clearing
17 User busy
18 No user responding
19 No answer from user (user alerted)
21 Call rejected
22 Number changed
26 Non-selected user clearing
27 Destination out of order
28 Invalid number format (address incomplete)
29 Facility rejected
30 Response to STATUS ENQUIRY
31 Normal, unspecified
34 No circuit/channel available
38 Network out of order
41 Temporary Failure
42 Switching equipment congestion
43 Access information discarded
44 Requested circuit/channel not available
47 Resource unavailable, unspecified
49 Quality of Service not available
50 Requested facility not subscribed
57 Bearer capability not authorized
58 Bearer capability not presently available
63 Service or option not available, unspecified
65 Bearer capability not implemented
66 Channel type not implemented
69 Requested facility not implemented
70 Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available
79 Service or option not implemented, unspecified
81 Invalid call reference value
Using ISDN
Chapter 45. Using the ISDN Interface 615