Chapter 22. Configuring and Monitoring ATM
This chapter describe the ATM interface configuration and operational commands. It
includes the following sections:
v “Accessing the ATM Interface Configuration Process”
v “ATM Configuration Commands” on page 278
v “ATM Interface Configuration Commands” on page 278
v “ATM Virtual Interface Configuration Commands” on page 285
v “ATM Virtual Interface Monitoring Commands” on page 290
v “Accessing the ATM Monitoring Process” on page 286
v “ATM Monitoring Commands” on page 286
v “ATM Interface Monitoring Commands (ATM INTERFACE+ Prompt)” on page 287
v “ATM-LLC Monitoring Commands” on page 290
Accessing the ATM Interface Configuration Process
The ATM carrier card and the 25 Mbps Charm Adapter must be in the feature slot
before ATM can be configured. You must reload the router after the feature slot has
the ATM carrier card/25 Mbps Charm Adapter combination in place.
Use the following procedure to access the configuration process.
1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 6. (For more detail on this command, refer to
“Chapter 3. The OPCON Process” on page 25.) For example:
* talk 6
The CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on the console. If the prompt does not
appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.
2. At the CONFIG prompt, enter the list devices command to display the network
interface numbers for which the router is currently configured.
3. Record the interface numbers.
If ATM is not specified as an interface, then execute the quick configuration
to dynamically add the ATM interface.
4. Enter the network command and the number of the ATM interface you want to
configure. For example:
The ATM configuration prompt (ATM Config>), is displayed.
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