Table 76. V.25bis Monitoring Command Summary
Monitoring Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists
the options for specific commands (if available). See “Getting Help”
on page 10.
Calls List the number of completed and attempted connections made for
each dial circuit mapped to this interface since the last time
statistics were reset on the router.
Circuits Shows the status of all data circuits configured on the V.25bis
Parameters Displays the current parameters for the V.25bis interface. (This
command is similar to the V.25bis Config> list command.)
Statistics Displays the current statistics for the V.25bis interface.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a Lower
Level Environment” on page 11.
Use the calls command to list the number of completed and attempted connections
made for each dial circuit mapped to this interface since the last time statistics were
reset on the router.
Net Interface Site Name In Out Rfsd Blckd
1 PPP/0 v403 2000
Unmapped connection indications: 0
Net Number of the dial circuit mapped to this interface.
Type of interface and its instance number.
Site Name
Network address name of the dial circuit.
In Number of inbound connections accepted for this dial circuit.
Out Number of completed connections initiated by this dial circuit.
Rfsd Number of connections initiated by this dial circuit that were refused by the
network or the remote destination port.
Blckd Number of connection attempts that the router blocked. The router blocks
connection attempts if the local port is already in use, the maximum number
of retries to a non-responding address is reached, or a modem is not
Unmapped connection indications:
Number of connection attempts that were refused by the router because
there were no enabled dial circuits that were configured to accept the
incoming calls.
V.25bis Operating Commands
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide