Dialout MP link net
The dial circuit configured to place the first call for an outbound MP circuit.
Max fragment size
Specifies the largest number of bytes of data a packet can contain before
the packet is fragmented to be sent over MP links.
Min fragment size
This is the minimum size of the fragments (in bytes) the software creates
when a packet exceeds
Max fragment size
Maximum number of active links
Specifies the configured maximum number of links in the MP virtual link
(also known as
Links associated with this MP bundle
Displays the links dedicated to this MP interface.
BAP enabled
Specifies whether BAP is enabled on this interface.
Add bandwidth percentage
The amount of bandwidth utilization at which the software will try to add a
new link if BAP is enabled.
Drop bandwidth percentage
The amount of bandwidth utilization at which the software will remove a link
from the MP bundle if BAP is enabled.
Bandwidth test interval
The time, in seconds, after which the software will check the bandwidth
utilization to determine whether to add or drop a link from the bundle.
Use the set command to configure:
v The MP interface for inbound or outbound calls
v The idle timeout
v The MP parameters
v The BAP parameters
bod parameters
mp parameters
bod parameters
Prompts you to specify the BOD add and drop bandwidth percentages and
the BOD test interval.
set bod parameters
Add bandwidth % [90]? 80
Drop bandwidth % [70]? 50
Bandwidth test interval (sec) [15]? 25
Configuring MP
Chapter 35. Configuring and Monitoring Multilink PPP Protocol (MP) 517