Chapter 44. Configuring and Monitoring the V.34 Network
This chapter describes the V.34 configuration and operational commands and
GWCON commands. It includes the following sections:
v “Accessing the Interface Configuration Process”
v “V.34 Configuration Commands”
v “Accessing the Interface Monitoring Process” on page 602
v “V.34 Monitoring Commands” on page 603
v “V.34 and the GWCON Commands” on page 607
Accessing the Interface Configuration Process
Use the following procedure to access the V.34 configuration process.
1. At the OPCON prompt, enter the talk command and the PID for CONFIG. (For
more detail on this command, refer to Chapter 3. The OPCON Process.) For
* talk 6
After you enter the talk 6 command, the CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on
the console. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter CONFIG, press
Return again.
2. At the CONFIG prompt, enter the list devices command to display the network
interface numbers for which the router is currently configured. For example:
Config> list devices
Ifc 0 Ethernet CSR 81600, CSR2 80C00, vector 94
Ifc 1 V.34 Base Net CSR 81620, CSR2 80D00, vector 93
Ifc 2 WAN X.25 CSR 81640, CSR2 80E00, vector 92
Ifc 3 WAN PPP CSR 381620, CSR2 380D00, vector 125
Ifc 4 WAN Frame Relay CSR 381640, CSR2 380E00, vector 124
Ifc 5 Token Ring CSR 600000, vector 95
Ifc 6 4-port Modem Adapter CSR 8001600,CSR2 8000C00,vector 158
Ifc 7 4-port Modem Adapter CSR 8001620,CSR2 8000D00,vector 157
Ifc 8 4-port Modem Adapter CSR 8001640,CSR2 8000E00,vector 156
Ifc 9 4-port Modem Adapter CSR 8001660,CSR2 8000F00,vector 155
3. The V.34 interfaces are listed as “V.34 Base Net” , or 4-port Modem Adapter, or
8-port Modem Adapter. Record the interface numbers of interfaces to configure.
4. Enter the CONFIG network command and the number of the interface you want
to configure. For example:
Config> network 1
V.34 System Net Config >
The V.34 configuration prompt now displays on the console.
V.34 Configuration Commands
Table 77 on page 600 summarizes and the rest of the section explains the V.34
configuration commands. These commands allow you to display, create, or modify a
V.34 configuration. Enter the V.34 configuration commands at the V.34 Config>
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