DNCP DECnet Protocol Control Protocol
DNIC Data Network Identifier Code
DoD Department of Defense
DOS Disk Operating System
DR designated router
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DSAP destination service access point
DSE data switching equipment
DSE data switching exchange
DSR data set ready
DSU data service unit
DTE data terminal equipment
DTR data terminal ready
Dtype destination type
Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
E1 2.048 Mbps transmission rate
EDEL end delimiter
EDI error detected indicator
EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol
EIA Electronics Industries Association
ELAN Emulated LAN
ELAP EtherTalk Link Access Protocol
ELS Event Logging System
ESI End system identifier
EST Eastern Standard Time
Eth Ethernet
fa-ga functional address-group address
FCS frame check sequence
FECN forward explicit congestion notification
FIFO first in, first out
FLT filter library
FR Frame Relay
FRL Frame Relay
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
List of Abbreviations 683