Multicast can also be enabled or disabled for an individual SVC. Use the multicast
option on add switched-virtual-circuit.
Frame Relay Network Management
The supplier of the FR network backbone provides FR network management. It is
management’s responsibility to provide FR end-stations (routers) with status and
configuration information concerning PVCs available at the interface.
For PVCs, the FR protocol supports the ANSI T1.617 Annex D, ITU-T Q.933 Annex
A (also referred to as CCITT Q.933 Annex A), and the Interim Local Management
Interface (LMI) management entities. You can turn these entities on or off using the
enable and disable LMI configuration commands. Specifically, FR LMI provides the
following information:
v Notification of additional PVCs (orphans) and whether they are active or inactive,
or notification of any PVC deletions.
v Notification of the availability of a configured PVC. The availability of a PVC is
indirectly related to the successful participation of the PVC end-point in the
heartbeat polling
process, which is detailed in “Link Integrity Verification Report”
on page 396.
v Verification of the integrity of the physical link between the end-station and
network by using a
keep alive
sequence number interchange.
Although the FR interface supports PVC network management, it is not necessary
for management to run on the FR backbone for the interface to operate over the FR
backbone. For example, you may want to disable management for back-to-back
For SVCs, the FR protocol supports FRF 4 (Frame Relay Forum Implementation
Agreement 4). This includes an implementation of ANSI Q.922 and a subset of
ANSI Q.933. Q.922 provides verification of the integrity of the physical link between
the router and the network. Q.933 provides the means for establishing and
disconnecting SVCs across the network. Q.922 and Q.933 are always enabled
when SVCs are used.
Management Status Reporting
Upon request, FR LMI provides two types of status reports, a full status report and
a link integrity verification report. A full status report provides information about all
PVCs the interface knows about. A link integrity verification report verifies the
connection between a specific end station and a network switch. All status inquiries
and responses are sent over DLCI 0 for ANSI T1.617 Annex D and ITU-T Q.933
Annex A, or DLCI 1023 for interim LMI management.
Full Status Report
When the FR interface requires a full status report, the router’s FR protocol sends a
status enquiry message to the FR network backbone requesting a full status report.
A status enquiry message is a request for the status of all PVCs on the interface.
Upon receiving this request, FR management must respond with a full status report
consisting of the link integrity verification element and a PVC status information
element for each PVC. (See “Link Integrity Verification Report” on page 396.)
Using Frame Relay
Chapter 30. Using Frame Relay Interfaces 395