
list group 1
SDLC Relay Configuration
Group Port Status Net Packets IP Address
Num Num fwrd disc
1 (E) Local PRMRY (D) 2 2880 57
1 (E) Remote SCNDRY (E) 4860 13 128.185.452.11
SDLC Relay Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command
While SDLC Relay interfaces have their own monitoring processes for monitoring
purposes, the router also displays complete statistics for installed network interfaces
when you use the interface command from the GWCON environment. (For more
information on the interface command, refer to Chapter 10. The
Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands.)
Configuring and Monitoring SDLC Relay
Chapter 36. Configuring SDLC Relay 535