Using EasyStart
EasyStart mode automatically downloads the configuration of the router from a
BOOTP server. During the process the router displays the EasyStart> prompt and
ELS messages which track the process.
1. The Network Administrator sets up the BOOTP server with records for
downloading configurations. The Network Administrator must configure the
BOOTP server with a valid configuration file for your type of router. For more
information about configuring a BOOTP server, see “BOOTP Using a Console
Terminal” on page 112.
2. Turn on the router and it loads itself from the IBD or the network using BOOTP.
As soon as the operating software starts running, EasyStart begins to work if
the router has no devices or protocols configured, as it would for a new router.
On startup, devices are entered into the configuration automatically with default
Note: EasyStart begins when default devices are configured but no protocols are
There is no manual entry into EasyStart but you can cause the router to go into
EasyStart by typing the following commands at the Config prompt:
Config>clear all
You are about to clear all non Device configuration information.
Are you sure you want to do this (Yes or [No]): yes
non Device configuration cleared
Config>clear device
You are about to clear all Device configuration information
Are you sure you want to do this (Yes or [No]): yes
Device configuration cleared
Are you sure you want to restart the gateway? (Yes or [No]): yes
Copyright Notices:
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1997
MOS Operator Control Entering EasyStart operation.
Type 'stop' to terminate.
ELS messages are automatically displayed in this mode.
EZ.001: Starting.
EZ.007: Waiting up to 30 seconds for devices to pass self-test.
EZ.009: *** Restarting Router ***
No Protocols Configured. Entering Quick Config
Router Quick Configuration for the following:
o Interfaces
o Bridging
Spanning Tree Bridge (STB)
If you are in EasyStart and you enter stop, the router restarts and puts you into
Quick Config automatically. For more information about Quick Config, see “Qconfig”
on page 75.
If you are in EasyStart and you enter pause, the router suspends the EasyStart
process. Enter restart to resume the process. Only suspend EasyStart for
debugging purposes.
Using the CONFIG (Talk 6) Process
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide