
received a bad command from the handler. For information about why a
restart occurred, refer to messages Eth.043 and Eth.044 in the
IBM Nways
Event Logging System Messages Guide
Interface type
This specifies the connector type as AUI or RJ45.
Input statistics:
failed, packet too long or failed, frame too long
The Failed, Packet Too Long counter increments when the interface
receives a packet that is larger than the maximum size of 1518 bytes for an
Ethernet frame. This data is exported via SNMP as the
dot3StatsFrameTooLongs counter.
failed, CRC error or failed, FCS (Frame Check Sequence) error
The Failed, CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Error counter increments
when the interface receives a packet with a CRC error. This data is
exported via SNMP as the dd3StatsFCSErrors counter.
failed, framing error or failed, alignment error
The Failed, Framing Error counter increments when the interface receives a
packet whose length in bits is not a multiple of eight.
failed, FIFO over-run or failed, FIFO overrun
The Failed, FIFO (First In, First Out) Overrun counter increments when the
Ethernet chipset is unable to store bytes in the local packet buffer as fast as
they come off the wire.
collision in packet
The counter increments when a packet collides as the interface attempts to
receive a packet, but the local packet buffer is full. This error indicates that
the network has more traffic than the interface can handle.
short frame
The counter increments when the interface receives a packet with a short
buffer full warnings
The Buffer Full Warnings counter increments each time the local packet
buffer is full.
packets missed
The Packets Missed counter increments when the interface attempts to
receive a packet, but the local packet buffer is full. This error indicates that
the network has more traffic than the interface can handle.
internal mac rcv errors
Receive errors that are not late, excessive, or carrier check collisions. This
data is exported via SNMP as the dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
counter. This statistic is the sum of the FIFO Overruns.
Output statistics:
initially deferred or deferred transmission
The Initially Deferred counter increments when the carrier sense
mechanism detects line activity causing the interface to defer transmission.
This data is exported via SNMP as the dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions
single collision
The Single Collision counter increments when a packet has a collision on
the first transmission attempt, and then successfully sends the packet on
Using Ethernet Network Interfaces
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide