lecMulticastSendType = 1
lecMulticastSendAvgRate = 365566
lecMulticastSendPeakRate = 365566
lecConnectionCompleteTimer = 4
lecInitialControlTimeout = 5
lecControlTimeoutMultiplier = 2
V2 Capable = TRUE
lecForwardDisconnectTimeout = 60
lecMinReconfigDelay = 1
lecMaxReconfigDelay = 5
lecMaxBusConnectRetries = 0
lecElanId = 0
ExplorerExclude = TRUE
LE ARP queue depth = 5
LE ARP cache size = 5000
Forward peakrate = 365566
Backward peakrate = 365566
Packet trace = Off
RIF aging timer = 120
Source Routing = enabled
See “Set” on page 298 for a definition of the parameters shown in the
above examples.
data Lists the LEC Data Direct VCC information.
LEC+ list data
LEC Data Direct VCC Table
Max Table Size = 1019 Max no of SVC connections
Current Size = 0 Currently used
Inactivity Timeout = 1200 No Data Xfer Timeout before connection is
closed (seconds)
Sweep Interval = 60
Conn Inactive User
Handle VPI VCI Timer Count Destination ATM Address
652 0 7241 300 1
Lists LEC statistics.
LEC+ list stat
LEC Statistics
In Octets.high = 0 No of Bytes received
In Octets.low = 346
In Discards = 2 Packets discarded
In Errors = 0 Rx.Errors
In Unknown Protos = 0 Unknown protocols received
Out Octets.high = 0 No of Bytes xmitted.
Out Octets.low = 0
Out Discards = 0
Out Errors = 0 Tx.Errors
In Frames = 0
Out Frames = 0
In Bytes = 0
Out Bytes = 0
VCC table
Lists VCC table.
LEC+ list vcc
Configuring Forum LE Clients
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide