Chapter 24. Configuring and Monitoring LAN Emulation
This chapter describes how to configure LAN Emulation Clients (LECs). It includes
the following sections:
v “Configuring LAN Emulation Clients”
v “Configuring an ATM Forum-Compliant LE Client” on page 295
v “Accessing the LEC Monitoring Environment” on page 308
v “LEC Monitoring Commands” on page 309
Configuring LAN Emulation Clients
This section summarizes and explains the commands for configuring and using the
set of LE Clients on a particular ATM interface.
To get to the LE Client Config> prompt, enter le-c at the ATM Config> prompt as
described in “ATM Configuration Commands” on page 278.
Enter the commands at the LE Client Config> prompt under the ATM Config>
prompt, as described in “ATM Configuration Commands” on page 278.
Table 41. LAN EMULATION Client Configuration Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the
options for specific commands (if available). See “Getting Help” on page 10.
Add Adds a LEC for the following types of ATM Forum-compliant Emulated LANs
v Ethernet
v Token Ring
Config Gets you to the LEC Config> prompt, from which you can configure a specific
LAN Emulation Client.
List Lists the LEC.
Remove Removes a LEC.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a Lower Level
Environment” on page 11.
Use the add command to add a LEC for a Token-Ring or Ethernet emulated LAN.
Token Ring
Token-ring emulated LAN
Example: add token ring
LE Client Config> add token-ring
Added Emulated LAN as interface 3
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