Table 31. LLC Configuration Command Summary (continued)
Command Function
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a Lower
Level Environment” on page 11.
Use the list command to display the current configuration for the LLC.
Reply Timer (T1): 1 seconds
Receive ACK Timer (T2): 100 milliseconds
Inactivity Timer (Ti): 30 seconds
Max Retry value (N2): 8
Rcvd I-frames before ACK (N3): 1
Transmit Window (Tw): 2
Receive Window (Rw): 2
Acks needed to increment Ww (Nw): 1
Reply Timer (T1)
This timer expires when the LLC fails to receive a required acknowledgment
or response from the other LLC station.
Receive ACK Timer (T2)
This timer is used to delay sending of an acknowledgment for a received
I-format frame.
Inactivity Timer (Ti)
This timer expires when the LLC does not receive a frame for a specified
time period. When this timer expires the LLC transmits an RR until the
other LLC responds or the N2 retry count is exceeded. Default is 30
Max Retry value (N2)
The maximum number of retries by the LLC protocol. Default is 8.
Rcvd I-frames before ACK (N3)
This value is used with the T2 timer to reduce acknowledgment traffic for
received I-frames. This counter sets a specified value and decrements each
time an I-frame is received. When this counter reaches 0 or the T2 timer
expires, an acknowledgment is sent. Default is 1.
Receive Window (Rw)
Indicates the maximum number of unacknowledged sequentially numbered
I-frames that an LLC can receive from a remote host.
Transmit Window (Tw)
Indicates the maximum number of I-frames that can be sent before
receiving an RR.
Acks needed to increment Ww (Nw)
This field is set to a default value of 1.
Configuring LLC
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide