Table 48. National Set Parameters (continued)
Paramter DDN Default GTE Default
10 seconds 10 seconds
1984 1984
4 seconds 4 seconds
X.25 Support Over ISDN BRI D-Channel (X.31)
X.25 provides the same protocol support over ISDN BRI D-channel (X.31) with the
following restrictions:
v The packet size must not exceed 256 bytes.
v The frame extended sequence mode must be enabled.
v X.31 must be configured as a DTE.
See “X.31 Support” on page 626 for more information.
Null Encapsulation
Null Encapsulation allows the user to multiplex multiple network layer protocols over
one X.25 circuit. This function may be used to avoid using an unreasonable number
of virtual circuits.
Null Encapsulation is not supported for QLLC. This function is supported for
Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs), but not for Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs).
Configuration Changes
The encapsulation option NULL has been added for the following T6 commands:
Under X25 config: add address IP (may input enc type = NULL)
Under X25 config: add address IPX (may input enc type = NULL)
Under X25 config: add address DNA (may input enc type = NULL)
Under X25 config: add address VINES (may input enc type = NULL)
Under X25 config: list addr will show active enc type = NULL if the priority 1
type is NULL.
T5 commands:
Under X25 ıintu: List SVCS will include enc type = NULL
Configuring Null Encapsulation and Closed User Groups (CUG)
Since More than one Protocol can run over one virtual circuit while using Null
Encapsulation, the CUG(s) defined for each protocol over that circuit must be the
same. It is strongly suggested that the user configure multiple Protocols same
destination as follows:
Using the X.25 Network Interface
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide