
Be aware that you cannot configure HDLC parameters of the dial circuit
configuration when you configure PPP or Frame Relay for ISDN. Physical layer
parameters are configured on the ISDN interface.
For information on configuring the PPP protocol, refer to “Chapter 25. Configuring
Serial Line Interfaces” on page 317 or refer to “Chapter 32. Using Point-to-Point
Protocol Interfaces” on page 449.
For information on configuring the Frame Relay protocol, see “Chapter 30. Using
Frame Relay Interfaces” on page 387 or “Chapter 31. Configuring and Monitoring
Frame Relay Interfaces” on page 405.
For information on configuring or monitoring SDLC interfaces, see “Chapter 37.
Using SDLC Interfaces” on page 537 or “Chapter 38. Configuring and Monitoring
SDLC Interfaces” on page 539.
For more information on configuring dial-in and dial-out interfaces, see “Using a
Dial-In Access to LANs (DIALs) Server” in the
Using and Configuring Features
For information on configuring or monitoring X.25 interface, see “Chapter 27.
Configuring and Monitoring the X.25 Network Interface” on page 327.
To return to the Circuit Config> prompt, use the exit command.
Use the list command to display the current dial circuit configuration.
For more information about I.430 and I.431, see “ISDN I.430 and I.431 Switch
Variants” on page 625.
Note: Options listed depend upon the type of interface used. All options may not
be shown for all interface types.
Any inbound set
Bandwidth: 64
Base net: 1
Callback: yes
Calls: inbound
Destination name: remote-site-sanfrancisco
Idle char: 7E
Idle timer: = 60 sec
Inbound calls allowed
Inbound dst name: local-1
LID out address: 1234
LID used: enabled
Net #: 2
Outbound calls allowed
Priority: 8
SelfTest Delay Timer: = 0 ms
Time slot: 1458
Any inbound
Displays this setting when inbound calls that do not match any other dial
circuit are mapped to this circuit and accepted as inbound calls.
Configuring Dial Circuits
Chapter 47. Configuring and Monitoring Dial Circuits 645