
PPP 7 Config>list lcp
LCP Parameters
Config Request Tries: 20 Config Nak Tries: 10
Terminate Tries: 10 Retry Timer: 3000
LCP Options
Max Receive Unit: 1522 Magic Number: Yes
Peer to Local (RX) ACCM: A0000
Protocol Field Comp(PFC): No Addr/Cntl Field Comp(ACFC): No
Authentication Options
Authenticate remote using: MSCHAP or SPAP or CHAP or PAP [Listed in priority order]
CHAP Rechallenge Interval: 0
MSCHAP Rechallenge Interval: 0
Identify self as: ibm
Config Request Tries:
Number of times that LCP sends configure-request packets to a
peer station while attempting to open a PPP link.
Config Nak Tries:
Number of times that LCP sends configure-nak (“not
acknowledged”) packets to a peer station while attempting to open
a PPP link.
Terminate Tries:
Number of times that LCP sends terminate-request packets to a
peer station to close a PPP link.
Retry Timer:
Number of milliseconds that elapse before packet transmission
continues according to the number of times set by the “Config tries”
Max Receive Unit:
Displays the maximum information field (packet) size handled by
the link.
Peer to Local (Rx) ACCM
Displays the characters that the peer must “escape” when
transmitting packets to the router on asynchronous lines.
Magic Number:
Indicates whether the magic number loopback detection option is
Protocol Field Comp (PFC):
Indicates whether the PFC option is enabled.
Addr/Cntl Field Comp(ACFC):
Indicates whether ACFC is enabled.
Authenticate remote using:
A list of enabled authentication protocols.
Identify Self As:
The name set with the set name command.
ncp Lists the parameters for all Network Control Protocols.
Configuring PPP Interfaces (Talk 6)
Chapter 33. Configuring and Monitoring Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces 473