Loading an Image at a Specific Time
There may be occasions when you may want to load an image into a device on a
specific day and time when you will be unavailable. You can configure the device to
perform a timed load using the timedload activate command. Other commands
allow you to view a device’s scheduled load information or cancel a scheduled load.
See “Boot CONFIG Commands” on page 93 for information on these commands.
Configuring Dumping
An important feature of the 2210 is the ability to dump the contents of system
memory and processor’s registers to another host during a system reset that results
from a software crash, hardware failure, or by pressing the reset button.
To configure dumping, do the following from the Boot config> prompt:
Add address.
This can be the same as the boot address used in configuring booting.
Add a dump entry.
This is the location of the host or server that is going to receive the dump file.
You can add a dump entry with the add dump-entry command. The average
size of a dump file is 8 MB.
Enable dumping.
Dumping will not work unless you enable it using the enable dumping
command. Dumping will remain enabled until you use the disable dumping
command to terminate it.
Dump Files
Dump files contain the contents of the system memory and processor registers.
When the device crashes and dumping is enabled, the contents of memory are
written to a remote host using TFTP. Each dump entry contains the location of the
host server and the path, timeout, and file names for the dump files.
You can configure the device to automatically append a unique character string to
the dump file names. This prevents an existing dump file from being overwritten by
subsequent dumps. However, unique naming of the dump files can cause the
server’s disk to become full if there are successive dumps. Unique naming may
also be incompatible with the security requirements of some TFTP servers. Some
servers require that a file already exist on the server to allow writing the dumps.
Dump files are for diagnostic purposes only. Enable the device’s dump and
unique-naming capabilities only on the advice of your Customer Service
TFTP Server, Boot and Dump Directories
You must create directories on the destination server to contain the boot and dump
files. These directories must reside on a host server and the boot directories must
Using the Boot CONFIG Process
Chapter 7. The Boot CONFIG Process 89