set t1-reply-timer
Reply Timer (T1) in sec. [1]?
This timer is used to delay sending of an acknowledgment for a received
I-format frame. This timer is started when an I-frame is received. The timer
is reset when an acknowledgment is sent. If this timer expires, LLC2 sends
an acknowledgment as soon as possible. Set this value so that it is less
than that of T1. This insures that the remote LLC2 peer receives the
delayed acknowledgment before the T1 timer expires. Default is 1 (100 ms).
Minimum is 1. Maximum is 2560.
set t2-receive-ack-timer
Receive Ack timer (T2) in 100 millisec. [1]?
Note: If this timer is set to 1 (the default) it will not run (for example,
n3-frames_rcvd-before-ack =1).
This timer expires when the LLC does not receive a frame for a specified
time period. When this timer expires the LLC transmits an RR until the
other LLC responds or the N2 retry count is exceeded. Default is 30
seconds. Minimum is 1 second. Maximum is 256 seconds.
set ti-inactivity-timer
Inactivity Timer (Ti) in sec. [30]?
Sets the maximum number of I-frames that can be sent before receiving an
RR. Assuming that the other end of the LLC session can actually receive
this many consecutive I-frames, and the router has enough heap memory to
keep copies of these frames until an acknowledgment is received,
increasing this value may increase the throughput. Default is 2. Minimum is
1. Maximum is 127.
set tw-transmit-window
Transmit Window (Tw), 127 Max. [2]?
Accessing the Interface Monitoring Process
Access the monitoring commands for the protocol you wish to monitor over LLC:
v Token Ring, as described in “Chapter 16. Configuring IEEE 802.5 Token-Ring
Network Interfaces” on page 225
v Point-to-Point, as described in “Chapter 33. Configuring and Monitoring
Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces” on page 465
v Frame Relay, as described in “Chapter 31. Configuring and Monitoring Frame
Relay Interfaces” on page 405
Each of these prompt levels has an LLC command. Enter LLC to access the LLC
monitoring commands to monitor LCC. When you are finished, enter Exit to return
to the prompt level for the protocol you are monitoring.
Configuring LLC
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide