LMI type = ANSI LMI Orphans OK = Yes
CLLM enabled = Yes Timer Ty seconds = 10
SVC network number = 4141990
SVC Number type = International
SVC Numbering plan = E.164 SVC Call-out redial attempts = 2
SVC Call-ins allowed = Yes SVC Network emulation mode = No
Protocol broadcast = Yes Congestion monitoring = Yes
Emulate multicast = Yes CIR monitoring = No
Notify FECN Source = Yes Throttle Transmit on FECN = Yes
Data compression = Yes Orphan compression = No
Compression circuit limit= 10 Number of compression circuits= 5 1
Data encryption = Yes Number of encryption circuits = 1 2
PVCs P1 allowed = 64 Interface down in no PVCs = No
Timer T1 seconds = 10 Counter N1 increments = 6
LMI N2 error threshold = 3 LMI N3 error threshold window = 4
MIR % of CIR = 25 IR % Increment = 25
IR % Decrement = 25 DECnet length field = No
Default CIR = 64000 Default Burst Size = 64000
Default Excess Burst = 0
1 This line appears only when data compression is on (yes).
2 This line appears only when data encryption is on (yes).
LMI enabled
Indicates whether the management features are enabled on the
Frame Relay interface, yes or no.
Indicates the management circuit number. This number reflects the
LMI type: 0 for ANSI and ITU-T/CCITT and 1023 for REV1.
LMI Type
Indicates the LMI type: REV1, ANSI, or CCITT.
LMI Orphans OK
Indicates if non-configured circuits are available for use, yes or no.
CLLM Enabled
Indicates whether CLLM is enabled on the Frame Relay interface.
Timer Ty seconds
Indicates the amount of time that must elapse without the device
receiving any CLLM messages or BECNs before the device
considers a congestion condition cleared and gradually return the
PVC to its configured transmission rate.
SVC network number
Specifies the network number for the SVCs on this interface.
SVC number type
Specifies the SVC number type, unknown or international.
SVC numbering plan
Specifies whether the numbering plan is E.164 or X.121.
SVC call-out redial attempts
Specifies the number of call-out redial attempts on this interface.
SVC network emulation mode
Specifies whether this interface operates in network emulation
mode for SVCs.
SVC call-ins allowed
Specifies whether call-ins are allowed on this interface.
Configuring Frame Relay Interfaces
Chapter 31. Configuring and Monitoring Frame Relay Interfaces 421