
14. The previous question enables the device to provide an IP address from a
DHCP server to the client for use for the duration of the connection.
DHCP gateway (giaddr) interface: []
15. The DHCP Gateway interface, or giaddr (as defined in RFC1531), is an IP
address associated with the subnet you wish the DHCP server to offer
addresses within. This is necessary because the DHCP server may be used to
lease addresses to more than one subnet. The giaddr allows the DHCP server
to distinguish from which subnet to offer addresses as well as provide an
address in which to respond to.
Quick Config will now ask you for an IP address to use as the giaddr. If you
leave this address as, the IP address of the interface used to reach the
DHCP server will be used. If you have only one LAN connected to the device
and your dial-in users will be given addresses on the same subnet as this
LAN, you can use as this address.
Note: You will be permitted to enter an IP address here even if the address
does not yet exist on the interface. However, an interface must be
configured with this address before DHCP will work properly.
Do you want to use Dynamic DNS (requires hostnames to be configured for dial-in users)?
(Yes, No): [Yes]y
16. The response to the previous question determines if the router will instruct the
DHCP server to update the Dynamic DNS with the hostname and IP address
of a dial-in user.
If you will be using DHCP to administer IP address to your dial-in users, you
should answer yes to this question.
This is all the configured Dial-in Access to LANs information:
Default number of minutes allowed per connection: Unlimited
Inactive timer: 30
LAN Protocols enabled for dial-out: TELNET DIALs
DIALs client IP address specification:
Client : Enabled
UserID : Enabled
Interface : Enabled
Pool : Enabled
DHCP Proxy : Enabled
Configured DHCP Servers :
DHCP Gateway address (giaddr):
Dynamic DNS: Enabled
Is this information correct? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
17. A summary of the information for DIALs configuration is displayed and you are
asked if it is correct. If the information is correct, answer yes. If it is not and
you want to reenter the information, answer no. If you want to terminate quick
config, answer quit.
Appendix A. Quick Configuration Reference 661