
A unique hexadecimal value from 1 to FFF is assigned to each interface. The
interfaces on each ring (segment) have the same segment number, but the
segment number is unique to each ring.
These prompts appear for each Token Ring interface.
Interface 1 (Port 2) is of type Token Ring
Configure Source Routing on this interface? (Yes, No): [Yes]
Configuring Interface 1 (Port 2)
Segment Number (hex) of this Interface (1-FFF): [A2]
If more than two interfaces are configured for source routing, enter a unique
hexadecimal value from 1 to FFF unique for the internal virtual segment.
Virtual Segment Number (hex) of this Router (1-FFF): [A4]
6. A panel similar to the following is displayed:
This is all configured bridging information:
Interfaces configured for STB:
Interface # Port # Interface Type
0 1 Token Ring
1 2 Token Ring
The Source Routing part of SRT Bridging has been enabled
Bridge Number of this Router: A
Interfaces configured for Source Routing:
Interface # Port# Segment # Interface Type
0 1 A1 Token Ring
1 2 A2 Token Ring
Virtual Segment Number of this Router: A4
Save this Configuration? (Yes, No): [Yes]
7. Enter y to save the bridging configuration and continue with quick configuration.
Enter n to re-display the bridging configuration prompts.
If you enter y, the following message appears:
Bridging configuration saved
Configuring Protocols
After you save the bridging configuration, you will see the following panel:
Protocol Configuration
Type 'Yes' to Configure Protocols
Type 'No' to skip Protocol Configuration
Type 'Quit' to exit Quick Config
Configure Protocols? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
Take one of the following actions:
v Enter y to configure the protocols.
Appendix A. Quick Configuration Reference 663