
FR. These frames are waiting for space to become available on the
serial device handler transmit queue for this interface.
Xmit frames dropped due to queue overflow
Indicates the number of frames that could not be transmitted for this
VC due to output queue overflow.
lmi Displays statistics relevant to the logical management on the Frame Relay
list lmi
Management Status:
LMI enabled = Yes LMI DLCI = 0
LMI type = ANSI LMI Orphans OK = Yes
CLLM enabled = No
SVC local net number = 12345678
SVC Number type = International
SVC Numbering plan = E.164 SVC Call-out retries = 2
SVC Call-ins allowed = Yes SVC Network emulation mode = No
Protocol broadcast = Yes Congestion monitoring = Yes
Emulate multicast = Yes CIR monitoring = No
Notify FECN source = No Throttle transmit on FECN = No
Number VCs P1 allowed = 64 Interface down if no PVCs = No
Line speed (bps) = 1000000 Maximum frame size (bytes) = 2048
Timer T1 seconds = 10 Counter N1 increments = 6
LMI N2 threshold = 3 LMI N3 threshold window = 4
MIR % of CIR = 25 IR % Increment = 12
IR % Decrement = 25 DECnet length field = No
Default CIR = 64000 Default Burst Size = 64000
Default Excess Burst = 0
Current receive sequence = 0
Current transmit sequence = 1
Total status enquiries = 9 Total status responses = 0
Total sequence requests = 0 Total responses = 0
Data compression enabled = No
Data encryption enabled = No
Virtual Circuit Status:
Total allowed = 64 Total configured = 2
Total active = 0 Total congested = 0
Total PVCs left net = 0 Total PVCs join net = 0
Management Status:
LMI enabled
Indicates if Frame Relay management is active (yes or no).
Indicates the management circuit number. This number is either 0
(ANSI default or ITU-T/CCITT) or 1023 (interim LMI REV1).
LMI type
Indicates the type of frame relay management being used, ANSI,
ITU-T/CCITT, or LMI Revision 1.
LMI orphans OK
Indicates if all non-configured circuits learned from Frame Relay
LMI management are available for use (yes or no).
CLLM enabled
Specifies whether this circuit will throttle transmission on receiving
CLLM frames.
Monitoring Frame Relay Interfaces
Chapter 31. Configuring and Monitoring Frame Relay Interfaces 437