all Displays the Frame Relay configuration. The display is a combination of the
list hdlc, the list lmi, and the list permanent virtual circuits commands.
See list hdlc and list lmi for descriptions of the parameters.
hdlc Displays the Frame Relay High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
list hdlc
Frame Relay HDLC Configuration
Maximum frame size = 2048
Encoding = NRZ
Idle state = Flag
Clocking = External
Cable type = V.35 DTE
Line speed (bps) = 64000
Transmit delay = 0
Lower DTR = Enabled
The transmission encoding scheme for the serial interface.
Encoding is NRZ (non-return to zero) or NRZI (non-return to zero
Idle The data link idle state: flag or mark.
The type of clocking: internal or external.
Cable type
The serial adapter cable type: RS-232, V.35, V.36, or X.21.
Line Speed (bps)
Indicates the physical data rate for the Frame Relay interface.
Maximum frame size
Indicates the maximum frame size that can be transmitted or
received over the network at any given time.
Transmit delay
Indicates the number of additional flag bytes sent between frames.
Lower DTR
Indicates whether the router will drop the DTR signal when a WAN
Reroute alternate link is no longer needed. Dropping the DTR
signal causes the modem to terminate the leased-line connection
for the alternate link. Lower DTR does not appear when the cable
type is X.21.
1. For a FR dial circuit interface, only the maximum frame size is
lmi Displays logical management and related configuration information about
the Frame Relay interface.
list lmi
Frame Relay Configuration
LMI enabled = Yes LMI DLCI = 0
Configuring Frame Relay Interfaces
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide