Interface #: 13
Interface Type: PPP Dial Circuit
Base Intferface #: 6 (ISDN Base Net)
Idle timer: 0 (fixed circuit)
Call Direction: Inbound only
Destination Name: default_address
Line ID *IN* Name: * ANY *
Is this correct (Yes, No): [Yes] Yes
4. Next, you may choose to add/edit more dial-circuits in the same way as the
example above.
Add another Dial Circuit (Yes, No): [Yes] No
5. Finally, you will be asked to confirm the dial-circuit configuration and exit the
dial-circuit configuration section. Answering y will save the dial-circuit
configuration and answering n will discard changes made during this
configuration session.
Current Dial Circuit Configuration:
Num Intf# Intf Type BaseIntf# MP Direction
1 13 PPP Dial Circuit 6/ISDN No In
Save this configuration (Yes, No): [Yes] Yes
Dial circuit configuration saved.
Configuring Dial-in Access to LANs (DIALs) Interfaces and DIALs
Server Information
If the router you are configuring contains the DIALs feature, then you will be asked
if you want to configure DIALs interfaces and DIALs server information. You will
only be asked to configure DIALs interfaces if you have configured V34 on a base
WAN interface or if an ISDN interface exists in your router. The following prompts
lead you through the DIALs configuration:
Dial-in Access to LANs (DIALs) Configuration
Type 'Yes' to Configure DIALs Configuration
Type 'No' to skip DIALs Configuration Configuration
Type 'Quit' to exit Quick Config
Configure DIALs Interfaces? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
1. Take one of the following actions:
v Enter y to display the DIALs Interface prompts
v Enter n to skip DIALs Interface configuration
v Enter q to exit quick configuration
If you answer yes and there ISDN is loaded on this device, the following
question will be shown.
658 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide