BT VP1000 Home Security System User Manual

BT Home Monitor ~ Issue 5 ~ 1st Edition ~ 26_01_ 04 ~ 5725
Sensor Response Type
Internet and/or
Description of Event What Happens
Text Messages
N/A Alarm ON Received if you have Online Account updated.
opted to receive alerts
every time your BT Home
Monitor is turned ON.
N/A Alarm OFF Received if you have Online Account updated.
opted to receive alerts
every time your BT Home
Monitor is turned OFF.
N/A Test Successful Received when the test The first nominated
(OK in text message) button is pressed on the contact on your list is
Control Panel. informed, as a test.
Optional Alerts
You can request your BT Home Monitor VP1000 to communicate additional information, by self-
programming the Control Panel. An example of an optional alert is for Internet users to request that
their online account is updated, every time their system is switched ON and OFF.