BT Home Monitor ~ Issue 5 ~ 1st Edition ~ 26_01_ 04 ~ 5725
Alert Messages
Each message sent by BT Home Monitoring
contains the details of your property and up to
the first three recorded events. This message
may be read to you over a fixed line telephone,
or written in a text message or e-mail. Fig 19.
The message also gives a telephone number to
call, and a unique code to enter, that confirms
you have received the message.
When a contact responds to a message by
entering this code, the contact process stops
and no further action is taken. Anyone alerted
beforehand will be notified that someone has
successfully responded to the event. This
ensures that if one member of the group finds
the message later in the day, they will know if
someone else has answered the alert.
If no-one responds, the escalation process stops,
but all activity in the house is recorded and
can be viewed by your control panel or via the
Internet website.
Alert messages are detailed in Section 7.
Fig 19
Example text message
Example email
When you return to your home after an event
has occurred, you will still need to switch your BT
Home Monitor VP1000 off. The siren will cease
automatically after the programmed time has
elapsed. If it is still sounding, switching the
system off will stop it. After switching off, status
reports will be displayed on the Control Panel.
If the sensor that triggered the alarm is
functioning normally, the display on your BT
Home Monitor VP1000 will show: READY /
MEMORY (alternating).
To view the history, click the SHOW/OK button.
This will give details of the sensor location which
was alarmed or tampered with. Additional clicking
of the SHOW/OK button, will show details of
other events retained in memory (if any), or will
revert to READY. The MEMORY message will
disappear only upon switching the system ON.
If the sensor that triggered the alarm is not back
to normal, the display on your BT Home Monitor
VP1000 will show: NOT READY / MEMORY
To view the history, click the SHOW/OK button.
This will give details of the sensor location which
was alarmed or tampered with. Additional clicking
of the SHOW/OK button, will show details of
other events retained in memory (if any), or will
revert to READY.
If you do not know how to return the sensor to
normal, please refer to the Troubleshooting
section of this guide, or contact the BT Home
Monitoring help desk. The MEMORY message will
disappear only upon switching the system ON.
BT Alert
Event Log:
12:33:29 BA Living Room
To respond, call 0870
405 0504 and enter :1033
FFrrii 2211//0033//22000033
BBTT HHoommee MMoonniittoorriinngg –– AAlleerrtt MMeessssaaggee
This is the BT Home Monitoring Service.
You are a nominated contact for:
<name here>
<address here>
The monitoring system at this location has been activated.
The events recorded are :
22:12:39 Burglary Alarm Kitchen
22:12:39 Burglary Alarm Living Room
22:12:44 Burglary Alarm Living Room
If you would like to respond to this message, please telephone
0870 4050504 and enter this code:
BT Home Monitoring. The 24hour security and reporting system
for your home.