BT Home Monitor ~ Issue 5 ~ 1st Edition ~ 26_01_ 04 ~ 5725
Sensor Response Type
Internet and/or
Description of Event What Happens
Text Messages
N/A Signal Blocked Received if a sensor The first nominated
(SB in text message) or sensors cannot contact on your list is
communicate with the informed.
Control Panel. Blocking
of signals can sometimes
be done deliberately.
N/A Power Failure Received when the The first nominated
Control Panel has had no contact on your list is
electricity supplied for informed.
more than 60 minutes.
N/A Power Restored Received when the The first nominated
Control Panel registers a contact on your list is
restored power supply. informed.
N/A Not Connected Received when a sensor The first nominated
is not connected to the contact on your list is
Control Panel, with informed.
disconnection initiated
by the system owner.
The message is sent as
a reminder to reconnect.
N/A Check Sensor Received if any sensor The first nominated
cannot communicate contact on your list is
with the Control Panel. informed.
The message will contain
details of which sensor is
reporting the problem.
N/A Sensor Battery Check Received if a sensor in a The first nominated
battery is low, and needs contact on your list is
replacement. informed.
N/A Sensor Battery OK Received once the The first nominated
battery is replaced and contact on your list is
the sensor is reporting informed.
normally again.
N/A Panel Battery Check Received if the Control The first nominated
Panel back-up battery is contact on your list is
low and needs to be informed.
changed or re-charged.
N/A Panel Battery OK Received once the Control The first nominated
Panel is functioning contact on your list is
normally again. informed.
N/A Contact Helpdesk Received if there is any The first nominated
fault other than listed contact on your list is
above. informed.
Reminder Alerts
These messages inform you of a change in status to your BT Home Monitoring system. Power failures
and tamper attempts are examples of these kind of status messages.