Westinghouse SE 6000 Home Security System User Manual

stkrmenu Menu to parking sticker and license plate management functions.
stkrentr Select keyholder for parking sticker and / or license plate information entry.
stk1entr Enter parking sticker or license plate information for keyholder.
stkrrprt Locate keyholder by license plate or parking sticker.
stkrrprt1 Display keyholder location information by license plate or parking sticker number.
stkrprt Report all parking sticker / license plate information.
sys_menu Menu to the system administration functions.
addusers Add operator to system.
mod_pass Change operator passwords.
sec_menu Menu to the security level definition functions.
pgacentr Create / modify security levels.
pg1_entr Add / modify screen information for a particular security level.
mnacopy Create new security level by copying existing security level then modifying.
pgacrprt Report all defined security levels.
showuser Display all system operators.
showdate Display current system date and time.
showwho Display operators currently using the system.
purgrprt Cancel submitted reports.
beepentr Define terminals for alarm response (beep) regardless of system area where operating.
syclmenu Menu to system configuration functions
ctrlentr Change report titles / user-defined fields. Define terminal for automatic alarm response.
evenentr Enter / modify event information.
taskentr Enter / modify task information.
taskrprt Report all tasks / events.
tranentr Enter / modify transaction information (controls data display and storage).
dbmenu Menu to the database administration functions.
dbstats Display size of database tables (determines if archiving is required).
bkup Backup database to tape.
downcln Remove unwanted records from the download file.
accsarch Transfer records from disk to tape to free up disk space.
alrmcln Remove operator responses to alarms from disk to free up disk space.
jourarch Copy journal records to tape and remove from disk.
jourrprt Report history of all database changes.
josrprt Report history of all changes to keyholder and keyholder access assignment information.
loadmenu Load keyholder information from ASCII files.
ID_menu ID security maintenance menu for WSE ID-4000 interface option.
ID1_entr Enter users, passwords, and privileges for WSE ID-4000 operators.
ID2_entr Define security groups for WSE ID-4000 operators.
ID3_entr Define specific operator privileges for a security group.