2 = Green
3 = Cyan (light blue)
4 = Blue
Display Icon. For future use.
Printer Group. Each log printer must include the selected printer group in its list of available
printer groups. If the selected printer group is not included, the transaction will not be printed
on the log printer. Printers are preset to include all transactions (Printer Group=*). To prevent
a transaction from printing, assign it to a printer group other than 0, then change the printer
to 0.
Audible Alert. Indicates with N (none), S (single), or C (continuous) the type of audible alert
which this transaction should produce (applies only if a user is in the monitor mode). If you
wish to have a terminal alerted whenever this transaction occurs, enter N in this field.
Transaction Log. Y / N field to indicate if this transaction is to be stored in the archive history
file on disk. The transaction history file is listed using the transaction history report.
Keyholder Log. Y / N field to indicate if this transaction is to be stored in the keyholder history
file on disk. The system keeps a small area of disk space available to store the last 20 events
for all individual keyholders in the system. The keyholder history file is listed using the
keyholder history report.
Point Log. Y / N field to indicate if this transaction is to be stored in the point history file on
disk. The system keeps a small area of disk space available to store the last 20 events for
all individual points in the system. The point history file is listed using the point history report.
Description. Used to define the transaction description displayed on the monitor screen.
Display this data regularly to control disk space usage. Note the PUBLIC.archist table size near
the end of the report. The table size indicates the number of transactions currently stored. Perform
an archive whenever the row count is roughly 80% of the expected number of rows.
A message is displayed if the row count reaches the expected number of rows. If this happens,
archive immediately. Two other tables should be checked regularly and purged if the expected
number of rows exceeds 80%: PUBLIC.download; PUBLIC.alrmtran.
Two backup types are available — Database and Full Volume: