Bit 0: Reserved for future use.
Bit 1: Reserved for future use.
Bit 2: Reserved for future use.
Bit 3: Reserved for future use.
Bit 4: Reserved for future use.
Bit 5: Reserved for future use.
Bit 6: Reserved for future use.
Bit 7: Reserved for future use.
data for the XRXCDJDE record is the comment text in EBCDIC.
An XRXCDJDE record for comment text might contain:
!..LÓÓ...AIOX2AFP..XRXCDJDE...Data copied from a C DJDE
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +
Working with content-sensitive medium map names
InfoPrint XT creates an AFP form definition for each Xerox job that it processes. It
embeds the form definition in the AFP data stream that it generates from the Xerox
data stream. Using the xcsmmname conversion parameter, you can instruct
InfoPrint XT to use a specific naming convention for each medium map in the
form definition. The format of the name defines the characteristics of the medium
map. Table 7 describes the name format.
Table 7. Format of content-sensitive medium map names
Byte Bit Description
1 Not applicable InfoPrint XT always uses X'C6'.
2 through
Not applicable InfoPrint XT always uses X'F0F0F0F0'.
6 This byte consists of bit flags that represent medium map
0 Reserved for future use.
1 1 means that the medium map specifies duplexed printing. 0
specifies simplexed printing.
2 1 means that the medium map specifies an offset stack
change. 0 specifies no offset stack change.
3 Specifies the format that the E1 keyword of the Medium
Modification Control (MMC) structured field uses. 1 means
that the medium map specifies format one¹ for the keyword.
0 specifies that the keyword uses format two².
7 through
Not applicable These bytes specify the bin number in hexadecimal format.
¹ Bins are numbered 1 through 4; bin 65 is the envelope bin, and bin 100 is the
manual bin.
34 InfoPrint XT Guide