Chapter 6, “Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS,” on page 67
Describes how to set up Download for z/OS to work with InfoPrint XT.
After you set this up, you can submit jobs from systems that have IBM
Print Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS installed and convert them with
InfoPrint XT.
Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting InfoPrint XT,” on page 83
Describes how to diagnose and correct problems that might occur when
you load Xerox resources or process Xerox jobs. It also discusses the
information that you need to place a service call.
This publication contains these appendixes:
Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93
Describes the Xerox conversion parameters that are specific to InfoPrint XT.
Appendix B, “InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn,” on page 105
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you use InfoPrint XT
Appendix C, “Resource converter messages: 5018-nnn ,” on page 117
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you load Xerox fonts,
images, and logos.
Appendix D, “Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages:
AIOxxxnnnx,” on page 121
Lists the messages that the InfoPrint XT resource utility and data stream
converter can issue when they process Xerox resources and jobs.
Appendix E, “DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP,” on page 147
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you request a report
of the Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry (DJDE) commands that a Xerox job
This publication also contains two glossaries, a bibliography, and an index.
Conventions used in this publication
This publication uses conventions for:
v Highlighting
v Command syntax and example syntax, including special characters in
These are the types of highlighting:
Bold Identifies commands, attributes, files, directories, and other items whose
names the InfoPrint XT installation predefines. For example, the pdxtx2afp
command and the %PDXTINSTDIR% directory.
Italic Identifies a variable item whose actual name or value you supply. For
example, local or ldest. Italics also identify publication titles.
Bold Italic
Syntax that combines bold and italic highlighting identifies a specific
keyword or parameter name that you enter exactly as shown, and a
variable value that you supply. For example, xjdl=jdl_name. Enter the string
xjdl=. jdl_name is a value that you choose.
xii InfoPrint XT Guide