Using the pdxtcapture command
After you place a service call, the technical-support representative might ask you
to capture information from the InfoPrint XT system. InfoPrint XT provides the
pdxtcapture command that you can use to make an image of the working
directory for a job or an image of a resource directory. This image is a compressed
tar file that the technical-support representative can use as an aid in problem
determination. The syntax for the pdxtcapture command is:
pdxtcapture [-o Outfile] { [-j ServerName_JobIdentifier ...]] [-r] | -g [Resgrp ...] }
[-j [ServerName_JobIdentifier ...]
Specifies one or more job identifiers for jobs whose working
directories you want to capture. If you specify the -j option, but do
not specify a job identifier, InfoPrint XT captures the working
directory for the last job that it converted. You cannot specify the -j
option if you specify the -g option.
[-g [Resgrp ...] Specifies one or more resource groups whose resource directories
you want to capture. The default resource group directories are
subdirectories of %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources. If you do not
specify the -g option, InfoPrint XT captures the resources in the
common resource group. You cannot specify the -g option if you
specify the -j option.
[-o Outfile] Specifies the name of the file to which InfoPrint XT writes the
output from the pdxtcapture command. If you do not specify this
option, InfoPrint XT writes job information to the pdxtcapt.job file,
and resource information to the pdxtcapt.res file. It stores these
files in the directory from which you entered the command.
[-r] When you specify the -j option to capture the working directory
for a job, you can also include the -r option. This causes InfoPrint
XT to include the resources for the job in the capture output.
1. You cannot use the pdxtcapture command to capture information for jobs that
you convert with the pdxtx2afp command. You must process jobs with
InfoPrint Manager to use the pdxtcapture command.
2. For a brief overview about using the pdxtcapture command, see the
pdxtcapture man page that InfoPrint XT provides.
3. Include an InfoPrint Manager job retention period for a job whose working
directory you want to capture. This prevents InfoPrint XT from discarding the
working directory for the job during the capture process.
Using the pdxtclnwork command to clean work directories
InfoPrint XT removes the job directories that it creates after the jobs print and
when new jobs arrive on the system. If a failure occurs that prevents InfoPrint XT
from removing the directories, use the pdxtclnwork command. This command
manually removes job directories from the system. Use this command only at the
direction of a technical-support representative. The technical-support representative
will assist you with running the command.
92 InfoPrint XT Guide