User response: If you manually updated the
correlation table, verify that the entry is correct and
that the AFP resource exists. Then, rerun the failing
command. Otherwise, report this message to your
technical support representative.
AIOxxx272W No correlation exists between Xerox
resource Xerox_resource and an AFP
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not
contain a correlation entry for the Xerox reformatted
resource Xerox_resource. The reformatted Xerox resource
path contains the reformatted resource.
System action: The process failed.
User response: Reload the Xerox resource and rerun
the failing command.
AIOxxx273W Xerox font font_name in the font
correlation table does not exist in the
reformatted Xerox resource path.
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not
contain an entry for the Xerox font font_name. The
reformatted Xerox resource path contains the
reformatted resource.
System action: The process failed.
User response: Reload the Xerox resource and rerun
the failing command.
AIOxxx274W Translation table table_name in the font
correlation table does not exist in the
reformatted Xerox resource path.
Explanation: The font correlation table contains an
entry for the table table_name, but the table does not
System action: The process failed.
User response: If you manually updated the
correlation table, verify that the translation table
identified in the message exists and correct the entry.
Then, rerun the failing command. Otherwise, report
this message to your technical support representative.
AIOxxx275W Xerox logo logo_name in the logo
correlation table does not exist in the
reformatted Xerox resource path.
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not
contain an entry for the Xerox logo logo_name. The
reformatted Xerox resource path contains the
reformatted resource.
System action: The process failed.
User response: Reload the Xerox resource and rerun
the failing command.
AIOxxx276W Xerox image image_name in the image
correlation table does not exist in the
reformatted Xerox resource path.
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not
contain an entry for the Xerox image image_name. The
reformatted Xerox resource path contains the
reformatted resource.
System action: The process failed.
User response: Reload the Xerox image resource and
rerun the failing command.
AIOxxx280I Processing cluster database source file
Explanation: This is an informational message that
lists the name, cls_name, of the cluster database source
file that InfoPrint XT is compiling. It requires no user
AIOxxx281E The resource utility found incorrect
cluster name cl_name in cluster database
source file cls_name, line line_number.
Cluster names must begin with a letter
and must consist of 1 to 6 alphanumeric
Explanation: Cluster names must conform to the
convention for Xerox file names that the message
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Correct the cluster name and rerun the
failing command.
AIOxxx282E The resource utility found incorrect
character string 'EBCDIC_char'
(x'EBCDIC_hex') in cluster database
source file cls_name, cluster name
cl_name, line line_number, column
column_number: error_description.
Explanation: The cluster database source file cl_name
contains an incorrectly coded character at the location
described in the message. error_description can be any of
v ASIZ must be coded as 'A' or blank.
v Preferred AFP MMC tray must be blank, 'E', 'M', or
'1' - '255', right justified.
v Preferred Xerox trays are positional and must be
blank or '1' - '8'.
v Incorrect preferred Xerox tray position.
v Current AFP MMC tray must be blank, 'E', 'M', or '1'
- '255', right justified.
v Current Xerox trays are positional and must be blank
or '1' - '8'.
v Incorrect current Xerox tray position.
128 InfoPrint XT Guide