Appendix C. Resource converter messages: 5018-nnn
This section lists the messages that InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT) can
issue when you load Xerox fonts, images, and logos. Some messages might include
an additional error return code. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for
explanations of these numbers.
5018-801 An error occurred while opening file
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not open the file
identified in the message. The message provides
additional information about why the open action
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Examine the specified file or the
directory that contains the file and correct the problem.
Then, enter the original command that resulted in this
error message again.
5018-802 An error occurred while creating file
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not create the file
identified in the message. The parent directory might
not exist, or might not have the permissions required to
create the specified file. The message provides
additional information about why the create action
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Examine the file and directory, and
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.
5018-803 An error occurred while reading from
file (error ReturnCode). ...msg
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not read the file
identified in the message. The message provides
additional information about why the read action
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Examine the file and correct the
problem. Then, enter the command again.
5018-804 An error occurred while writing to file
(error ReturnCode). ...msg
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not write to the file
identified in the message. The message provides
additional information about why the write action
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Examine the specified file and use the
additional information that the message provides to
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.
5018-805 An error occurred while allocating
storage (error ReturnCode). ...msg
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not allocate the
required storage. The message provides additional
information about why the storage allocation action
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Use the information that the message
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the
command again.
5018-812 Incorrect message level level (error
Explanation: You entered a command and included an
option that is not valid. The message text identifies the
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Review the syntax for the command
and enter the command again.
5018-817 File resourcename is not a valid Xerox
resource (error ReturnCode).
Explanation: InfoPrint XT determined that the file is
not a valid Xerox resource.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid
Xerox resource. Correct the problem and enter the
command again.
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