Note: For more information about the xhonorstaple, xstapleorient,
xstaplesysgen, and xstaplemax parameters, see Appendix A,
“Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93.
Other restrictions
These InfoPrint XT restrictions apply to considerations other than Xerox job
240-pel resolution support
InfoPrint XT only supports 300-pel resolution. If you have older printer
models that support 240-pel resolution, do not direct jobs from InfoPrint
XT to them.
Receipt of jobs over a channel connection
For combined InfoPrint XT and InfoPrint Manager installations, InfoPrint
XT uses the standard InfoPrint Manager methods for sending jobs to the
Windows system. Neither InfoPrint Manager nor InfoPrint XT provides a
method of sending jobs over a channel connection.
Processing jobs on tape
InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of processing jobs on tape.
Processing resources on tape
InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of processing resources on tape.
Compilers for Xerox JSLs and FSLs
InfoPrint XT does not provide compilers for Xerox Job Source Libraries
(JSLs) or Forms Source Libraries (FSLs).
Double-byte character set (DBCS) support
InfoPrint XT supports the conversion of Xerox DBCS LCDS and metacode jobs. It
also stores information from the Xerox DBCS fonts that the jobs require for use
during data stream conversion. However, InfoPrint XT does not directly convert
the Xerox DBCS fonts to the AFP DBCS outline fonts that it requires for DBCS data
stream processing. It also does not automatically create the grid-mapping files that
it requires to print DBCS output. These fonts and files are available from InfoPrint
Solutions Company as a separately priced option. For more information about AFP
DBCS outline fonts and grid-mapping files for use in Xerox DBCS data stream
conversion, contact your marketing representative.
Note: You can use AFP DBCS outline fonts from other sources. Those fonts must
fully conform to the MO:DCA FOCA standards; see Data Stream and Object
Architectures: Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference, S544-3285.
Supported and unsupported Xerox DJDE and PDL commands
InfoPrint XT does not support a subset of less-commonly used Xerox DJDE and
PDL commands. Table 2 lists both the supported and unsupported commands.
Table 2. Supported and unsupported PDL and DJDE commands
Supported Unsupported ¹
8 InfoPrint XT Guide