User response: This is an informational message that
requires no user response.
AIOxxx610E A translation error occurred while
processing input character
x’EBCDIC_hex’ (ASCII x’ASCII_hex’) at
logical record line_number. Code page
code_page did not contain EBCDIC
character x’EBCDIC_hex’. The data
stream converter substituted a blank.
The original Xerox font was font_name.
Explanation: While processing line data input,
InfoPrint XT found that EBCDIC character
x’EBCDIC_hex’ was not available in code page
code_page. InfoPrint XT uses a blank in its place. This
might occur because of incorrect characters, such as
binary zeros, in the print data stream. It might also
occur if you have manually correlated a Xerox font to
an AFP font and the AFP font does not have characters
corresponding to some of the characters in the Xerox
font. Or, a character translation table was altered so
that a character in the Xerox input does not map to the
correct character in the AFP font.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues the process, but
the output might not be correct.
User response: Correct the input data correlation table
or translation record, and reconvert the job.
AIOxxx621S The input data stream file is empty. The
data stream converter could not produce
printable AFP output.
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find any input data
in the Xerox job file.
System action: Although InfoPrint XT might produce
a small AFP output file to prevent errors, it contains no
printable data.
User response: Make sure the job contains data and
transfer it to the InfoPrint XT system again.
AIOxxx623E The data stream converter could not
find the tiff2afp transform in the current
search path.
Explanation: The job contains an inline graphic image
that is in the TIFF format, but the data stream converter
cannot locate the InfoPrint Manager tiff2afp transform.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the inline
graphic image.
User response: Either add the path to the tiff2afp
transform to the current path, or regenerate the Xerox
job so that the inline graphics that it contains are in the
Xerox Interpress IMG format.
AIOxxx624E The tiff2afp transform returned error
code error_code while processing inline
graphic number number.
Explanation: Conversion of an inline TIFF graphic
failed. err_code is the return code from the tiff2afp
transform program. gr_name uses the naming
convention SGnnnnnn. nnnnnn is a number from 0
through 999999. Numbering begins with SG000000 for
the first inline graphic found in the data stream,
SG000001 for the next, and so on.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the inline
graphic image.
User response: Verify that the inline graphic is correct.
If it is, report this message to your technical support
AIOxxx625E An internal error - error - occurred while
processing inline graphic number
Explanation: The data stream converter found an error
during inline graphic processing. The error occurred
while opening a TIFF image for input, opening a file
for tiff2afp transform output, or while verifying the
header record for the graphic.
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the inline
graphic image.
User response: Verify that the inline graphic is correct.
If it is, report this message to your technical support
AIOxxx626E The image converter returned error code
error_code while processing inline
graphic number number ending near
record rec_num.
Explanation: Conversion of an inline image graphic
failed. err_code is the return code from the image
transform program. number uses the naming convention
SGnnnnnn. nnnnnn is a number from 0 through 999999.
Numbering begins with SG000000 for the first inline
graphic found in the data stream, SG000001 for the
next, and so on. rec_num is the approximate record
number of the end of the inline graphic image in the
input file.
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the
job, but the output is not correct.
User response: Verify that the inline graphic is correct.
If it is, report this message to your technical support
AIOxxx627E A memory allocation error occurred in
the image/logo converter while
processing inline graphic number
Explanation: Conversion on an inline image graphic
140 InfoPrint XT Guide