89NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Note: The PPP/Modem icon appears only when a supported modem has been connected to
the appliance and configured using the Serial Devices icon.
For more information on configuring serial devices, see “Serial Devices” on page 99. For
more information about supported modems and how they connect to the appliance, see the
installation and quick configuration manual included with your appliance.
Use the PPP/Modem icon to configure your appliance to establish a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
connection with your TCP/IP network using a supported USB modem and a standard analog telephone
Note: Advanced View performance with PPP/Modem-connected appliances is slower than
Advanced View performance with appliances connected directly to your LAN, due in part to
image collection and display and alert notifications that include picture data.
When configuring appliances that use PPP/Modem connections, configure the camera pod
camera settings with the lowest Picture Count setting that is acceptable.
The PPP/Modem Configuration window consists of three tabs: Basic, Advanced, and Status. The
following controls appear in the Basic tab:
Field Description
Hostname The hostname associated with the PPP interface.
Phone number The telephone number that the modem dials to establish a PPP
User name The user name to access the PPP connection.
Password / Verify password The password to access the PPP connection.
Dial-Out Enable Select Enable and click Schedule to schedule times at which your
appliance establishes a PPP connection, regardless of whether alerts
have been generated.
OTE: By default, no scheduled dial-out events are configured.
Dial-In Enable Select Enable and click Schedule to enable PPP dial-in support on
your appliance. If enabled, you can use a system and modem to dial in
to the appliance and establish a PPP connection. The remote system
must provide a Supervisor User name and Password to establish the
PPP connection.
For information on managing an appliance that you have accessed with
a modem, see “Managing your appliance using a dial-In PPP
connection” on page 91.
OTE: By default, dial-in access is enabled 24 hours a day, 7 days a
OTE: If the appliance must dial-out due to schedule, alert, or an
immediate dial-out request, it overrides any dial-in session without