108NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
8. Check Enabled to enable the threshold. If this checkbox is not checked, the alert threshold is
saved but is not active.
9. In Threshold-Specific Addresses, click Add... to enter the e-mail addresses of personnel to
whom e-mail alert notifications should be sent if this threshold generates an alert condition. Click
If you installed an SMS-capable modem you can deliver alert notification to SMS-enabled
devices by entering threshold-specific addresses for them in the following format:
where sms_device_address is the telephone number or e-mail address associated with the SMS-
enabled device (for example, “sms:5123334444” or “sms:user@mycorp.com”).
Threshold-specific notifications are sent only if your appliance has one or more Alert
Actions defined that use the Send E-Mail Message alert notification method and
Include Addresses from Thresholds is checked. For more information, see “Alert
Action” on page 30 and “Advanced View: Creating Alert Actions” on page 112.
10.Click Configure E-Mail Server to set up an e-mail server if one is required.
For more information on setting up an e-mail server, see “E-mail Server” on
page 77.
11. In Alert Profile, choose the desired Alert Profile from the drop-down list. If you wish to edit the
selected Alert Profile, click Edit Alert Profile....
For more information on Alert Profiles, see “Alert Profile” on page 32.