97NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Use the Proxy icon to allow the appliance to use an HTTP, Socks V4, or V5 Proxy Server. When
configured, the appliance uses the proxy server for all e-mail and HTTP Post communications, allowing
these communications to cross the firewall. These settings apply only to communications from the
To use an HTTP, Socks V4, or V5 Proxy Server, double-click the Proxy icon to open the Proxy Settings
window. This window contains an HTTP tab and a SOCKS tab, each of which contains the following
Enter your information and click OK to save your changes.
Rack Access Settings
The Rack Access Settings dialog allows you to set the Auto Lock Timeout and the HID format for the
proximity cards.
Auto Lock Timeout. The Auto Lock Timeout determines how long (in seconds) after a lock is
unlocked that the lock will automatically attempt to lock again. If after the timeout expires the door is
still open, or the handle is up, the lock command will continue to be issued until the proper locking
conditions are fulfilled (handle down and door closed). The auto-locking functionality will attempt to
relock the door after a card, a key, or a remote command is used to unlock the lock.
The Auto Lock setting is also used to limit the amount of time a Level One authorization card has to
authorize a Level Two card swipe. The Auto Lock Timeout setting has a minimum value of 10 seconds
(the default) and a maximum of 60 seconds.
Card Format. The Rack Access System uses HID proximity cards to control access. The HID cards
must be one of the following formats:
• H10301 - Standard 26-bit
• H10302 - 37-bit without a facility code
• H10304 - 37-bit with a facility code
• CORP1000 - Corporate 1000
The card format must be determined before any cards are entered into the system. If for some reason the
card format needs to be changed, all registered cards must be removed before the card format can be
Field Description
Hostname The host name or IP address of the proxy server the appliance uses for
e-mail, HTTP Posts, and other outbound communications.
Port The IP port number to connect to on the proxy server.
User name Enter a User name to allow access through the server.
Password/Verify password Enter a Password to allow access through the server.