103NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Use the Upgrade icon to check or upgrade Advanced View and BotzWare version installed on your
appliance. Double-click the Upgrade icon to open the Appliance Upgrade window. The Current
Version of BotzWare is displayed.
Click Check APC Website to check for an updated version of Advanced View or BotzWare. The
BotzWare and User Interface versions are displayed, as well as the most current versions available from
the Web site. Check the components you want to upgrade and click OK. Upgrade files are downloaded
from the Web site and applied to your appliance. When the upgrade process is complete the appliance
restarts. Once the restart is complete, a pop-up notifies you that the appliance is online.
If the BotzWare upgrade files are stored on a computer or a CD-ROM, click Browse and navigate to the
upgrade file drive and directory. Select the upgrade file and click OK to upgrade the appliance.
Note: When you upgrade your appliance, the attached pods are automatically updated. If
your network includes more than one appliance, you must perform the upgrade on all
appliances. Valid data is not available during the upgrade.
Caution: During the upgrade process, the output states of attached sensor pods may change.
Be sure that sensor outputs are not connected to controls that could cause damage.
Use the Users icon to configure user accounts for personnel that are permitted access to your appliance.
Each user account has a specific User name and Password, as well as an account-specific Privilege Set.
The Privilege Set determines what appliance features the account can access.
The available Privilege Sets are as follows:
Privilege Set Description
Administrator Gives user access to all information and configuration icons.
Application Gives user access to only the Navigation, Sensor Data and selected
portions of the Information/Action panes. User accounts configured
with the Application Privilege Set can view the Cameras, Graphs,
Alerts, and About panes. This Privilege Set does not permit access to
the Configuration pane or to the Appliance Log, Change Root
Password, and Reboot Appliance Tool menu selections.
Application (with Alert Update) Gives user access to only the Navigation, Sensor Data and selected
portions of the Information/Action panes. User accounts configured
with this privilege set can view the Camera, Graphs, Alerts, and About
panes. The user can also resolve alert conditions for thresholds that are
configured with the Return-To-Normal Requires User Input setting
in their Advanced Settings. This privilege set does not permit access to
the Configuration pane.