70 PI-MTE System Manual Version 4.C
Data Overrun Occurred
Because of memory constraints and the way that USB transfers data, a "Data overrun has
occurred" message may be displayed during data acquisition. If this message is
displayed, perform one or more of the following actions:
1. Minimize the number of programs running in the background while you are
acquiring data with WinView/32.
2. Run data acquisition in Safe Mode.
3. Add memory.
4. Use binning.
5. Increase the exposure time.
6. Defragment the hard disk.
7. Update the Orange Micro USB2 driver. Refer to "To Update the OrangeUSB
USB 2.0 Driver", page 28.
If the problem persists, your application may be USB 2.0 bus limited. Since the host computer
controls the USB 2.0 bus, there may be situations where the host computer interrupts the USB
2.0 port. In most cases, you will not notice the interrupt. However, there are some instances
when the data overrun cannot be overcome because USB 2.0 bus limitations combined with
long data acquisition times and/or large data sets increase the possibility of an interrupt while
data is being acquired. If your experiment requirements include long data acquisition times
and/or large data sets, your application may not be suitable for the USB 2.0 interface.
Therefore, we recommend replacement of the USB 2.0 interface module with our TAXI
interface module and Princeton Instruments (RSPI) PCI card. If this is not the case and data
overruns continue to occur, contact Customer Support (refer to page 102 for contact
Error Creating Controller message
This message may be displayed if you are using the USB 2.0 interface and have not run
the RSConfig.exe program, if the PVCAM.INI file has been corrupted, or if the ST-133
was not turned on before launching WinView/32 and running the Hardware Wizard.
Figure 29. Error Creating Controller dialog box
Error 129: Indicates the problem is with the PVCAM.INI file. Close WinView/32, run
RSConfig, verify the ST-133 is on, reopen WinView, and run the Hardware Wizard.
Error 183: Indicates that the ST-133 is off. If you are running the Hardware Wizard
when this message appears, click on OK, turn on the ST-133, and, on the PVCAM
dialog box, verify Yes is selected, and then click on Next. The Hardware Wizard
should proceed to the Controller Type dialog box.