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2.3 Communication between the PLC CPU and the Motion CPU in the Multiple CPU System
The following tasks can be performed between the PLC CPU and the Motion CPU in
the Multiple CPU system.
• Data transfer between CPUs by the automatic refresh function of the shared CPU
• Control instruction from the PLC CPU to Motion CPU by the Motion dedicated
• Reading/writing device data from the PLC CPU to Motion CPU by the dedicated
2.3.1 Automatic Refresh Function of The Shared CPU Memory
(1) Automatic refresh function of the shared CPU memory
(a) The automatic refresh function of the shared CPU memory is executed
automatically the data transfer between CPUs in the Multiple CPU system
during END processing in the PLC CPU or during main cycle processing
(free time except motion control) in the Motion CPU.
When the automatic refresh function is used, the data in the device memory
of the other CPU is read automatically, so the device data of other CPU can
be used as the device data of self CPU.
The diagram below illustrates the automatic refresh operation involving 32
points (B0 to B1F) for the PLC CPU of CPU No.1 and 32 points (B20 to
B3F) for the Motion CPU of CPU No.2.
Self CPU operation data area
System area
Automatic refresh area
User-defined area
Shared CPU memory
Device memory
B0 to B1F (CPU No.1)
B20 to B3F (CPU No.2)
CPU No.2 (Motion CPU)
3) Reading via main cycle
processing of CPU No.2
4) Reading via END
processing of CPU No.1
1) Written via END processing
of CPU No.1
2) Written via main cycle processing
of CPU No.2
Self CPU operation data area
System area
Automatic refresh area
User-defined area
Shared CPU memory
Device memory
B0 to B1F (CPU No.1)
B20 to B3F (CPU No.2)
Processing details of CPU No.1 (PLC CPU) at the END processing.
1) : Data of transmitting devices B0 to B1F for CPU No.1 is transferred to the
automatic refresh area of shared memory in the self CPU.
4) : Data in the automatic refresh area of shared memory in CPU No.2 is
transferred to B20 to B3F in the self CPU.