3 - 39
3.3.25 Output signal device selection 1
This parameter is used to set the signal output to the connector (CN3-13 pin) of servo
amplifier. The device that can be assigned changes depending on the control mode.
Select the output device of the CN3-13 pin.
The devices that can be assigned in each control mode are shown below.
If any other device is set, it is invalid.
Setting value Position control mode Speed control mode
00 Always OFF Always OFF
01 For manufacturer setting
For manufacturer setting
02 RD (Servo ON) RD (Servo ON)
03 ALM (Trouble) ALM (Trouble)
04 INP (In-position) Always OFF
05 MBR (Electromagnetic brake interlock) MBR (Electromagnetic brake interlock)
06 DB (External dynamic brake) DB (External dynamic brake)
07 TLC (Limiting torque) TLC (Limiting torque)
08 WNG (Warning) WNG (Warning)
09 RWNG (Battery warning) RWNG (Battery warning)
0A Always OFF SA (Speed reached)
0B For manufacturer setting
For manufacturer setting
0C ZSP (Zero speed) ZSP (Zero speed)
0D For manufacturer setting
For manufacturer setting
0E For manufacturer setting
For manufacturer setting
0F CDPS (Variable gain selection) CDPS (Variable gain selection)
10 For manufacturer setting
For manufacturer setting
11 ABSV (Absolute position erasing) Always OFF
12 to 1F For manufacturer setting
For manufacturer setting
20 to 3F For manufacturer setting
For manufacturer setting
(Note): Encoder pulse unit For manufacturer setting. Never change this setting.
3.3.26 Output signal device selection 2
This parameter is used to set the signal output to the connector (CN3-9 pin) of servo
amplifier. The device that can be assigned changes depending on the control mode.
Refer to the table of Section 3.3.25 for the devices that can be assigned.
3.3.27 Output signal device selection 3
This parameter is used to set the signal output to the connector (CN3-15 pin) of servo
amplifier. The device that can be assigned changes depending on the control mode.
Refer to the table of Section 3.3.25 for the devices that can be assigned.