3 - 19
3.3 Servo Parameters
(1) The servo parameters control the data fixed by the specifications of the servo
amplifier and servomotor controlled in the parameter set for each axis and the
control of the servomotor.
(2) The servo parameters are set by the Setup software (MR Configurator).
3.3.1 Servo parameters of servo amplifier
The servo parameters to be set are shown in Tables 3.1 to 3.4.
Refer to the "Servo amplifier Instruction Manual" for details of the servo parameters.
Instruction Manual list is shown below.
Refer to the help for handling of the Setup software (MR Configurator).
Servo amplifier type Instruction manual name
MR-J3- B MR-J3- B Servo Amplifier Instruction Manual (SH-030051)
MR-J3- B-RJ006
Fully closed loop control MR-J3-
B-RJ006 Servo Amplifier Instruction Manual
(1) Basic setting parameters
Table 3.1 Servo parameter (Basic setting parameters) list
Symbol Item Setting details
Setting value/setting range
(Setting by setup software)
— Servo series • Set automatically in the system settings. —
PA02 REG Regenerative brake option
• Set the presence/absence of regenerative
brake option.
00: Regenerative brake option is not used.
• MR-J3-10B:
Regenerative brake resistor is not used.
• MR-J3-20B or more and -700B or less:
Built-in regenerative brake resistor is used.
• Supplied regenerative brake resistors or
regenerative brake option is used with the
MR-J3-11KB(4) or more servo amplifier.
01: FR-BU(-H) • FR-RC(-H) • FR-CV(-H)
02: MR-RB032
03: MR-RB12
04: MR-RB32
05: MR-RB30
06: MR-RB50
08: MR-RB31
09: MR-RB51
FA: When regenerative brake resistors or
regenerative brake option supplied to
MR-J3-11KB(4) or more are cooled by fans to
increase capability.
Absolute position detection
• Set the presence/absence of absolute
position detection system.
Set "0: Invalid (Used in incremental system)"
for used in incremental system, and set "1:
Valid" for used in absolute (absolute position)
0: Invalid (Used in incremental system)
1: Valid (Used in absolute system)
PA04 AOP1 Function selection A-1
• Set the presence/absence of forced stop
input (EM1) of servo amplifier.
Selection of servo forced stop
0: Valid (Forced stop (EM1) is used.)
1: Invalid (Forced stop (EM1) is not used.)