Chapter 32 PPPoE
MGS3700-12C User’s Guide
32.5.1 PPPoE IA Per-Port Per-VLAN
Use this screen to configure PPPoE IA settings that apply to a specific VLAN on a
port. Click Advanced Application > PPPoE > Intermediate Agent > Port >
VLAN to display the screen as shown.
Figure 163 Advanced Application > PPPoE > Intermediate Agent > Port > VLAN
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 109 Advanced Application > PPPoE > Intermediate Agent > Port > VLAN
Show Port Enter a port number to show the PPPoE Intermediate Agent settings for
the specified VLAN(s) on the port.
Show VLAN Use this section to specify the VLANs you want to configure in the section
Start VID Enter the lowest VLAN ID you want to configure in the section below.
End VID Enter the highest VLAN ID you want to configure in the section below.
Apply Click Apply to display the specified range of VLANs in the section below.
Port: This field displays the port number specified above.
VID This field displays the VLAN ID of each VLAN in the range specified above.
If you configure the * VLAN, the settings are applied to all VLANs.
* Use this row to make the setting the same for all VLANs. Use this row first
and then make adjustments on a VLAN-by-VLAN basis.
Note: Changes in this row are copied to all the VLANs as soon as
you make them.
Circuit-id Enter a string of up to 63 ASCII characters that the Switch adds into the
Agent Circuit ID sub-option for PPPoE discovery packets received on this
VLAN on the specified port. Spaces are allowed.
The Circuit ID you configure for a specific VLAN on a port has the highest