Minimal disk storage requirements depend on the number of different
software versions that are stored on the disk drive. Calculate:
■ 6 MB for each version of the NETBuilder II bridge/router or PathBuilder
switch image
■ 4 MB for each version of the SuperStack II, SuperStack II SI, or
OfficeConnect NETBuilder bridge/router image
While you must purchase one copy of software for each device, you only need
to install one copy of a version of software on the NMS.
Running Upgrade Link
Upgrade Link contains its own web server. Client access to the web server is
available locally or remotely via a web browser. Running the Upgrade Link
application locally means that the web browser and the web server are running on
the same NMS.
To run Upgrade Link locally on a UNIX NMS, use:
UpgradeLink [-NoAuthentication] [-NoSecurity]
This command starts the NETBuilder Upgrade Server and the default browser. Two
command options are available.
■ When NoAuthentication is specified, Upgrade Link will allow a remote client to
access the server without user authentication, see “Settings Page” for a
description of the available settings.
■ When you specify NoSecurity, Upgrade Link starts and will accept connections
from all IP addresses. Otherwise, only those client IP addresses listed in the
/usr/3Com/common/data/allow file will be accepted by Upgrade Link.
For security, an administrator can enter the IP addresses of only those clients who
will be allowed to upgrade devices. An allow file is an ASCII text file containing the
IP addresses of clients to upgrade devices. The allow file looks like the following:
To run Upgrade Link locally on a Windows NMS, click the Start menu, then choose
Remote Upgrade Utilities
Upgrade Link.
Your default browser is launched. On Windows, the 3Com FTP/TFTP server is also
When you exit Upgrade Link, you will also exit the browser and, for Windows, the
FTP/TFTP server.
Running Upgrade Link
You can access the NETBuilder Upgrade Server remotely using a browser.
■ Start the NETBuilder Upgrade Server on the NMS using:
bcmnbrus <port> [-NoSecurity | -NoAuthentication]