
8. Getting started
Gimbal positions
After the positioning of the Panel Markers, the user must dene the corresponding Gimbal position for each of them.
Dening G imbal positions is done by pointing the laser d ot to the center of a Panel Marker and ’learn’ this
Gimbal orientation and direction for that Panel Marker.
As soon as a Gimbal position is stored, the corresponding square in the MP Acuras Control section of the Posi
tion page in the XDS
RACU user interface is indicated by a green check mark. The small red square on the projected image turns green.
If a Panel Marker position is changed after the denition of its Gimbal position, it will be required to redene one or more Gimbal
positions. The ones to be redened are indicated by the absence of a green check mark in the corresponding squares on the MP
Acuras Control section of the Position page in the XDS RACU user interface and by red squares instead of green ones on the
projected image.
1 1-2
Gimbal positions numbering
Image 8-35
Gimbal position labelling (quadrangular)
In case of a triangle, only seven Gimbal P osition need to be dened. See an example in the image below, where it has been
assumed that Panel Marker 2 comes close towards Panel Marke
Gimbal positions numbering
Image 8-36
Gimbal position labelling (triangular)
Additional features
Test Spectrometer FOV : this feature visualizes the Field of View of the spectrometer by moving the laser pointer around the
area covered by the spectrometer at the current Gimbal orientation. This feature is used to determine the distance of a Panel
Marker to the edge of the vis
ible part of the image. The button is only enabled if the Acuras Multi-point position is dened.
Test Acuras Contour : during Acuras realignment, the results of a Multi-point measurement is interpolated and extrapolated
to come to a new set of alignment parameters. Extrapolation however is limited depending on the correction values derived
from it, which results in a fade-out of the corrections where the extrapolation becomes less reliable. The Test Acuras Contour
button visualizes this fade-out area by means of a green outline.
Restore Default Marker : retrieves the default position of PanelMarker 1-3 or 2-4, i.e. the position that was originally calculated
by XDS RACU. The button is only enabled for the quadrangular panel marker set.
R59770509 AUTOALIGNMENT HEAD GEN II 26/11/2013