
8. Getting started
Panel Markers are used to indicate the x and y coordinates (in pixels) of the center and the outline of the visible part of the image.
These Panel Marker squares must be positioned at well-considered locations on the visible part of the projected image.
Gimbal positions are used to store the orientation (pan and tilt) of the Gimbal head to the Panel Markers.
Panel Markers
In case of Acuras Multi-point position, the user can dene ve – or seven – reference points, called Panel Markers per channel to
indicate the visible part of the image. The XDS RACU software then automatically adds four – or two – Panel Markers to come to a
total of nine. In case of a triangular image shape, the user denes four reference points and XDS RACU adds three Panel Markers.
Channel image shape Panel Markers (user dened) Panel Markers (calculated by the
XDS RACU software)
Triangle 4 3
Panel markers are represented by squares generated in the projector as an overlap on the projected image.
The general goal of Panel Markers is to den e cap ture a nd realign measuremen t areas within each d isplay
channel. Th ese a reas must be w ell distributed o ver the projected display channel image.
The position of the Panel M arkers must be dened in such a way that they indicate the center and the outer
corners and edg es of the visible part of the projected channel image. Pa nel Markers must lay fully within the
visible part of the p rojected chan nel im age and they may not b e den ed inside the o verlap area between two
or m ore ch annels to avoid interference from other channel images. The tools Test Spectrometer FOV and
Test Acuras Contour can be used to nd the best position of the Pan el Markers in relation to the edg es of the
visible part of the channel image.
In case of a quadrangular visible image area, by default nine Panel Markers are dened: the position of the Panel Markers in
the center point and at the four outer corners of the visible part of the image is dened by the user. See labels C, 1, 2, 3 and 4
on image 8-32. The Panel Markers at the mid points of the four sides are automatically calculated and added by the XDS RACU
software. See 1-2, 2-4, 3-4 and 1-3 on image 8-32.
The po sition of the XDS RACU calculated Panel Markers 1–2 and 3–4 cann ot b e changed by the u ser. The
position of XDS RACU calculated Panel Markers 2–4 and 1–3 ca n only be changed in a restricted way.
Changing the po sition of Panel M arker C, 1, 2, 3 or 4 will change the position of the adjacen t side Panel M ark-
When a new Acuras M ulti-point is dened, the Panel Markers appear in their default layout, having a quadran-
gular shape.
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