1. About
For the latest updates of this manual, browse to www.barco.com (public) or https://my.barco.com (secured)
or Intranet (Barco employees only).
1.1 Versions
By the time of release of this manual, two different versions of AutoAlignment Head are available: AutoAlignment Head Gen II
(R9843500) and AutoAlignment Head Gen II Rugged (R9843501).
AutoAlignment Head Gen II is also referred to as AutoAlignment Head and MES ACURAS HEAD
CAUTION: Due to a supplier component change, the AutoAlignmen t Head Gen II Rugged (R9843501) uses
a new rugged gimbal from serial number 1199151060 onwards. The new gimbal is automatically detected
from X DS version V3.11 onwards. F or existing installations (XDS b elow V3.11), a patch will be m ade available
through Barco support or an upgrade to XDS version 3.11 will be advised where needed.
1.2 About this manual
About this manual
Partnumber Description Level
R59770509 User and installation guide Installer and user
Always c heck for the latest version of the manual on https://my.barco.com.
Graphics and contents
Depending on the XDS RACU software version, some graphics might be slightly different to the ones used in this manual. This
however does not have any effect to the functionality.
Depending on the AutoAlignment Head version, some graphics might be slightly different for the given version to the ones used in
this manual. This however, does not have any effect on their functionality.
The differences between both AutoAlignment Head versions (standard and rugged) are illustrated through graphics and/or content.
If no version is specified in a procedure, it applies to both standard version and rugged version If a procedure applies to one version
only, it is explicitly stated.
1.3 Related products
Software related products
The main tools are the following:
Description Installed on the ...
XDS RACU server software MCU
XDS RACU client software eRACU hand held unit
Hardware related products
Used as/for ...
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